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      Discovery 艾爷(艾德·斯塔福 Ed Stafford)接受了一项任务,去探访地球上最新的谜团。由间谍卫星与国际空间站所拍摄的照片,显示出在地球上一些荒无人烟的地域,有着许多奇怪且难以解释的标记。从西巴布亚的巨大白色线条,到达纳基尔沙漠中的奇怪圆点,每一处标记都饱含着难以解释前所未见的反常事物。艾德将使出浑身解数,依托他在极端恶劣情况下的丰富经验,来揭秘其中的真相。
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      柏林电影节论坛单元  An immersion into the rich landscapes of Sable Island and the life of Zoe Lucas, a naturalist and environmentalist who has lived over 40 years on this remote strip of sand.
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      An inside look at the parental outsourcing business for the super wealthy
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      匈奴,一个让人感到不寒而栗的名字,大汉帝国被匈奴人的长鞭抽打得血肉淋漓。死里逃生的汉高祖刘邦,选择以女人换和平。当汉武帝说出出兵匈奴的决定时,很多人的身体都抖了一下,他们想皇帝一定是疯了。8月24日晚20:00起 CCTV-9 纪录片《历史的拐点·汉匈之战1-2》。  汉武帝力排众议,重用卫青。大汉军队兵分四路,讨伐匈奴,三路失利。卫青孤军深入,率汉军直捣匈奴王庭龙城,一举斩杀数百名匈奴人。胜利的捷报如同烈性白酒,沸腾了整个国家。8月25日晚20:00起 CCTV-9 纪录片《历史的拐点·汉匈之战3-4》。  漠北之战汉军大捷,匈奴单于侥幸逃脱。李广部队在沙漠中迷路错失战机,李广用斩杀匈奴的战刀,杀死了自己。而这场旷日持久的战争,让大汉王朝的体力透支。8月26日晚20:00起 CCTV-9 纪录片《历史的拐点·汉匈之战5-6》。
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      James Benning’s first film called The United States of America was a 1975 trip across the country, capturing its scenery through a car windshield. This second one also crisscrosses the nation, but without a car, carving it up instead into a series of static shots of just under two minutes, one for each state, presented alphabetically, from Heron Bay, Alabama to Kelly, Wyoming. The names of the places are nondescript, but the images attached to them are anything but, immaculately composed shots of landscape, cityscape and the spaces in between. As we move from A to Z, the images coalesce into a portrait of today’s USA, tracing out its fault lines almost in passing: fenced-off facilities, a river bed running dry, factories and refineries, run-down streets and gas stations, a camp under a bridge. The past is there too, seeping up through the songs and speeches that sporadically pierce the background noise or the motifs that evoke a whole career; the clouds, trains and cabins are stand-ins for films, not just states. As always, there’s time for more abstract thoughts too: each image may stand for a state, but representativity is slippery. Which state is more cinematic than the rest?
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      Every summer, teenage girls from across Missouri spend a week building a government from the ground up. Coming from different ends of the political and socioeconomic spectrum, they all share a passion for reimagining the future of America. The filmmakers behind Boys State (T/F 2020) return to the world of teen politics to capture the 2022 program – the first time in history that Girls State and Boys State take place simultaneously on the same campus. With rumors of Roe v. Wade being overturned in the real world, the stakes feel higher than ever for these ambitious and dedicated young women. As the days unfold and rumblings from the Boys program make their way across campus, discontent begins to emerge over the disparities between the two. An exhilarating portrait of our political landscape and the pivotal issue of gender equality.