
  • 七磅

    “上帝用7天创造世界,我用7秒钟,就毁灭了自己。”   本·汤姆森(威尔·史密斯饰)向急救中心报告自己自杀的情况。是什么让他选择了自杀来结束自己的生命?   追溯往日,本作为调查员,负责调查部分公民对国家经费的拖欠与申请问题。表面上刻薄的他其实内心充满温情。但没有人能够触及他的内心,本心中到底牵挂着什么?   某一天,本开始调查心脏病移植手术等待者艾米莉·波莎(罗萨里奥·道森饰)。在调查过程中,他的心中起了波澜。于是,一个计划在本的心中盘算。本到底隐瞒了什么?   而这些,又与本的自杀有什么样的关系呢?   一份重达七磅的救赎,一段不堪回首的记忆,本·汤姆森与观众一同探寻生命的意义。
  • This film, very much of its time shows London in the early 1970's. Of course now a different world. Note the old fashion Underground ticket machines, and the Black and White Telly in the flat. The location looks very much like Churchill Gardens, Pimlico, with Battersea Power Station in the background. And, plenty of smoking going on, in pubs, and on the tube. The film is strangely sexy in its own way, with the young girl playing along with the much older man, its really a sexual fantasy come true. It is another one of those British low budget film where the low budget adds to rather that take away value. Watch for fun, which is what it is.
  • 记录 
      利用很浅的景深以及局部特写把大型涂鸦、壁画和现实街景实现融合,或者壁画模特走到前景与背景的人物轮廓重合,这种有趣的视觉游戏与Varda出身摄影有关,或应和了内容:八十年代LA的涂鸦艺术成为不同族群表达和重塑身份的方法-亦是视觉的假象?画外音中的絮语与影片内容组成了标题Mural Mur的双关.
  • "Bob Dylan going electric" at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival is one of those epochal moments in rock history that seemingly everyone has heard about, but what few people seem to know is that it wasn't some ephemeral event that we only know from word of mouth -- filmmaker Murray Lerner documented the performances at the Newport Festival for several years running, and The Other Side of the Mirror collects footage from the three years Dylan appeared at the celebrated folk gathering, allowing us to see Dylan's rise through the folk scene for ourselves. Watching Lerner's documentary, what's most remarkable is how much Dylan changed over the course of 36 months; the young folkie performing at the afternoon "workshop" at the side of Joan Baez in 1963 is at once nervy and hesitant, singing his wordy tunes while chopping away at his acoustic guitar and energizing the crowd without seeming to know just what he's doing. In 1964, Dylan all but owns Newport, and he clearly knows it; he's the talk of the Festival, with Baez and Johnny Cash singing his praises (and his songs), and his command of the stage is visibly stronger and more confident while his new material (including "Mr. Tambourine Man" and "It Ain't Me, Babe") sees him moving away from the "protest songs" that first made his name. When the audience demands an encore after Dylan's evening set (Odetta and Dave Van Ronk were scheduled to follow him), Peter Yarrow tries to keep the show moving along while Dylan beams at the crowd's adulation, like the rock star he was quickly becoming. By the time the 1965 Newport Festival rolled around, Dylan's epochal "Like a Rolling Stone" was starting to scale the singles charts, and the hardcore folk audience was clearly of two minds about his popular (and populist) success. When Dylan, Fender Stratocaster in hand, performs "Maggie's Farm" backed by Al Kooper, Mike Bloomfield and the rhythm section from the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, the raucous but hard-driving number inspires a curious mixture of enthusiastic cheering and equally emphatic booing, and while legend has it that the version of "Like a Rolling Stone" that followed was a shambles, the song cooks despite drummer Sam Lay's difficulty in finding the groove, though if anything the division of the crowd's loyalties is even stronger afterward. After these two numbers, Dylan and his band leave the stage, with Yarrow (once again serving as MC) citing technical problems (if Pete Seeger really pulled the power on Dylan, as legend has it, there's no sign of it here); Dylan returns to the stage with an acoustic six-string to sing "Mr. Tambourine Man" and "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue" before vanishing into the night without comment. While much of the audience at Newport in 1965 wanted the "old" Dylan back, his strong, willful performances even on the acoustic stuff makes it obvious that the scrappy semi-amateur we saw at the beginning of the movie was gone forever, and the ovations suggest more than a few people wanted to see Dylan rock. Lerner's film tells us a certain amount of what we already knows, but it gently debunks a few myths about Dylan during this pivotal moment in his career, and his performances are committed and forceful throughout; no matter how many times you've read about Dylan's Newport shoot-out of 1965, seeing it is a revelatory experience, and Lerner has assembled this archival material with intelligence and taste. This is must-see viewing for anyone interested in Dylan or the folk scene of the '60s.
  • 哈罗德(哈罗德·劳埃德 Harold Lloyd 饰)是裁缝铺里的学徒,个性腼腆内向的他在女人面前总是面红耳赤畏首畏尾,因此常常受到女顾客们的嘲笑。哈罗德是一个非常热爱幻想的人,在他的幻想里,自己是一个将所有女人都玩弄在股掌之中的花花公子,哈罗德将自己的这些荒诞幻想都记录在案写成了小说。  一天,哈罗德决定将已经完成的书稿带往出版社,运气好的话说不定能获得出版的资格。在前往出版社的途中,哈罗德在火车上邂逅了名为玛丽(乔拜娜·劳斯顿 Jobyna Ralston 饰)的女孩。纯洁美丽的玛丽很快就吸引了哈罗德的目光,可与此同时,哈罗德怕女人的老毛病又犯了。
  • 剧情 
      杰西(乔什·哈切森 Josh Hutcherson 饰)是个过得不怎么快乐的孩子。他在学校里受同学欺负,在家中又无法得到父母的宠爱。只有两个人能为他的童年带来亮光——一个是音乐老师,另一个便是刚转校来到班上的莱斯利(安娜索菲亚·罗伯 Annasophia Robb 饰)。  莱斯利以她独特的方式感染了生活暗淡的杰西,慢慢打开了他的生活的另一扇窗。在河的另一边,他们要建造一个叫做“特雷比西亚”的王国,他们在树上打造一个屋子,王国的成员有妖怪、马蜂军团、松鼠和秃鹰。这个幻想的天地创造了他们每天放学后最好的时光。  然而,童话毕竟太虚幻,杰西和莱斯利的特雷比西亚世界,迎来了风雨飘摇的一天……
  • 喜剧 
    王牌?威龙(金?凯瑞 饰)是一位专与动物打交道的宠物侦探,以帮人寻找丢失的宠物为生。在橄榄球大赛即将来临时,迈阿密海豚队的吉祥物——海豚“雪花”遭到了绑架。这无疑会大大影响到队员们的士气。无奈之下,球队经济人麦提莎小姐找来了王牌?威龙以找回失去的海豚。   王牌?威龙用自己的方式对事件展开了彻底的调查,虽然期间笑料不断,时时受到女警官艾露丝的阻挠,但也找到了很多的线索,麦提莎小姐也逐渐被他的风趣与机敏所打动,开始对他刮目相看。   就在王牌侦查工作慢慢接近事实真相的时候,海豚队的另一个经纪人普罗杰在家中跳楼自杀,队员马连奴又被绑架了,好不容易锁定的犯罪嫌疑人也神秘失踪了,案情更加的扑朔迷离。
  • 巨人传

  • 欧美 
      改编自Neil Simon经典喜剧,由马修派瑞担任制片、编剧并主演。“Odd Couple”讲述的是两位大学校友在各自经历了离婚风波后,同住一间公寓成为室友的故事。by:meijubar.net
  • 喜剧 
    After losing his wife and three kids, all Kyle wants is to mourn in peace. Unfortunately, his family insists on helping him
  • 记录 
      A story of enduring love between Leonard Cohen and his Norwegian muse Marianne Ihlen. The film follows their relationship from the early days in Greece, a time of ‘free love’ and open marriage, to how their love evolved when Leonard became a successful musician.
  • 欧美 
      我们一直在探寻人类最古老的一个疑问:为什么世界是这个样子的?从宏伟的大教堂到北美的周期蝉,从多佛比目鱼到蜿蜒的海岸线,从海洋深处的鹦鹉螺,到美妙的音乐,从繁忙的机场,到浩瀚的星空,正是他们,一起构成了密码世界—— 一个充满了数字的抽象的世界,一个可以把我们的世界最细致地描述出来的领域。这些数字密码给与我们对于宇宙的无以伦比的理解力,它和自然世界的交织,不仅仅是密码存在的有力证据,而且表明了数字间有着令人迷惑的奇妙的联系。只有通过这些密码我们才能了解掌控着整个宇宙的法则,从而揭开这个世界的真相。  数学规律、几何定律,影响了生物的繁衍,影响了星体的运行,支撑着教堂的穹顶 这是一个神奇而迷人的世界,它与我们真实生活的世界大不相同,然而它给予我们无穷无尽的理解力,拂去表面的浮云,剩下的只有终极密码……  生命的历程是求真、求善、求美的过程。数学为什么吸引我们?因为她就是真善美的化身,是生命真谛的呈现。2011年BBC播出的数学科普纪录片《THE CODE》用震撼的视觉语言,从点滴的生命现象阐释了数学的真善美。  数学科普纪录片《终极密码 The Code》共3集,分别从“数字、形状、预测”三个方向来探寻隐藏在宗教、建筑、艺术、生物等大自然和人类生活中的终极密码——数学。  在2011年发行的关于密码的纪录片,这次的解说是无眉毛白发叫兽马库斯,没错,这位就是UP主之前投稿的《数学的故事》 里的解说,本次的密码系列依旧是跟数学有关
  • 喜剧 
  • 记录 
      This Is a documentary about life and struggle of people for becoming professional gamers.
  • 剧情 
  • 剧情 
    杰西(乔什·哈切森 Josh Hutcherson 饰)是个过得不怎么快乐的孩子。他在学校里受同学欺负,在家中又无法得到父母的宠爱。只有两个人能为他的童年带来亮光——一个是音乐老师,另一个便是刚转校来到班上的莱斯利(安娜索菲亚·罗伯 Annasophia Robb 饰)。  莱斯利以她独特的方式感染了生活暗淡的杰西,慢慢打开了他的生活的另一扇窗。在河的另一边,他们要建造一个叫做“特雷比西亚”的王国,他们在树上打造一个屋子,王国的成员有妖怪、马蜂军团、松鼠和秃鹰。这个幻想的天地创造了他们每天放学后最好的时光。  然而,童话毕竟太虚幻,杰西和莱斯利的特雷比西亚世界,迎来了风雨飘摇的一天……
  • 科幻 
    因家庭的缘故,高中女生艾玛(索菲亚·布莱克-德埃利亚 Sofia Black-D'Elia 饰)随教授生物的父亲(迈克尔·凯利 Michael Kelly 饰)搬到了加州的影子峡谷居住。在此期间,一种可怕的蠕虫在全世界蔓延,许多国家受到摧残,而美国各州危机也相继呈现。某天课上,艾玛的好朋友突然发病暴走,学校被迫关闭。在此之后,疫情迅速蔓延。父亲前往机场迎接被困的母亲,艾玛则和姐姐史黛西(安娜丽·提普顿 Analeigh Tipton 饰)留守家中。没过多久,美国总统宣布对加州进行戒严,凡居住在疫区的百姓不准随便出入,而被感染者则时刻威胁着幸存者的生命。
  • 剧情 
    Alex is a shy accountant living in London. He is reluctant to step out of his comfort zone, but when he falls in love with an adorable French artist named Penelope, he pretends to be a talented artist himself; and now he needs to win a Modern Art contest to prove it.