
  • 记录 
      How did a group of rebels create the world’s most famous street? In 1969 New York, this “gang” of mission-driven artists, writers and educators catalyzed a moment of civil awakening, transforming it intoSesame Street, one of the most influential and impactful television programs in history.
  • 艾芙莉

  • 欧美 
  • 《神秘博士》是一部由英国广播公司出品的长寿英国科幻电视剧。   2005年版的第九任博士是忧郁的战争幸存者,经历了时之战争,他封印了他的种族和敌人戴立克,是唯一活下来的人。   该剧讲述了名为“Doctor”(克里斯托弗·埃克莱斯顿 Christopher Eccleston 饰)的神秘外星时间旅行者,随着他的时空机器TARDIS的(Time And Relative Dimensions In Space)冒险故事,他的时空机器外观看上去像1950年代的警亭。博士带着他的伙伴罗斯(比莉·派佩 Billie Piper 饰)在时间、空间中探索悠游、打击邪恶力量、拯救文明、帮助人民、纠正错误、解决各类问题。
  • 欧美 
      Jack,Gwen还有Ianto,遗憾的是他们失去了2个最好的战友,尽管他们沉浸在悲伤之中,但是他们仍然还有工作去完成,因为外星人从未放弃对地球的侵略。  这一次他们面临空前艰巨的斗争,外星人控制了地球上所有的少年,致使整个地球的未来,全人类的未来都掌控在这个外星人的手中,火炬木小组仅存的3位成员是否能打败外星人,拯救全人类呢?  =================================  本季《火炬木小组》将以迷你剧的形式播出,共5集,在英国播出时会在一周内播完。第三季的名称将为《火炬木小组:地球之子-Torchwood: Children of Earth》,作为一个完整的故事,将不会有分集名称。
  • 剧情 
    Dr. Bernard Nathanson and Dr. Mildred Jefferson square off in a national battle in this untold conspiracy that led to qigou.cc the most famous and controversial court case in history.
  • 剧情 
      IFC Films拿下弗兰克·格里罗、安迪·麦克道威尔、乔治·洛佩兹主演,Conor Allyn执导的[无人之地](No Man’s Land,暂译)北美发行权。该片讲述美国与墨西哥边境守卫比尔·格里尔和他的儿子杰克逊在巡逻中,意外杀死了一名墨西哥男孩,比尔试图承担所有责任,但被德克萨斯州的骑兵拉米雷斯识破。杰克逊不得不往南逃,他穿越沙漠和山脉,以寻求死者父亲的宽恕。该片将于明年北美上映。
  • 故事描述一名开音像店的亿万富翁Johnny Rose(Eugene Levy)和他的肥皂剧明星妻子Moira(Catherine O’Hara)、嬉皮士儿子David(Daniel Levy)、交际花女儿Alexis(Annie meijubar.net Murphy)在一夜之间破产。这家人不得不离开已经习惯了的奢华生活,回到乡下去「从零开始」。好在他们还有一点私人领地:当年他们抱着好玩的心态在最偏僻的角落里买下一座几乎没有人烟的小镇(镇名即本剧标题「施米特湾」),现在这里成了他们仅存的落脚点。他们必须尽快适应新的贫穷生活,找到家庭的真谛……但这个穷乡僻壤的地方让他们感觉「限制」太多!
  • 死二月

      A collection of 24 films that take a look at the dark side of the festive season. 24 international directors with the most diverse ideas and styles; linked by short animated segments that deal with the Advent calendar itself.
  • 记录 
      Gaetan Dugas was openly gay. In early 1980s he contracted what was termed "gay cancer". He provided blood samples and 72 names of his former sex partners. Dugas was demonized for his promiscuity and wrongfully identified as patient zero. (IMDb)
  • 剧情 
  • Season five of Murdoch Mysteries opens in unfamiliar territory, as Detective William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) leaves Toronto to try his luck while the Klondike Gold Rush in the Yukon winds down. Suspended for interfering in an investigation, on the run for surreptitiously freeing a murderer to make amends, and nursing a broken heart after Dr. Ogden's marriage to another man, he tries to escape his past, and his passion for detective work. Back in the city, newly promoted Chief Constable Giles (Nigel Bennett) makes it clear to Inspector Thomas Brackenreid (Thomas Craig), that he'll be keeping a very close eye on police matters. Meanwhile, Murdoch's beloved former associate, Dr. Julia Ogden (Hélène Joy), is now working alongside Acting Detective George Crabtree (Jonny Harris) and Dr. Emily Grace (Georgina Reilly), a feisty young protégé. In the remote north, Murdoch is pleased to discover that his fledgling prospecting career may garner great success, a small comfort after Julia's marriage to another man. But as he tries to rebuild his life, he finds himself drawn into the case of Mrs. Elizabeth Bryant (Jill Halfpenny), an innkeeper charged with murder. The plot thickens when writer Jack London (Aaron Ashmore) lends his insights, and Murdoch soon realizes that while he had hoped to leave his shattered heart and tattered career back in Toronto, his days as a detective are not behind him.
  • Murdoch is in Bristol, England, with no memory of who he is and two gunmen chasing him through the streets. With the help of a local pub Landlady he starts to piece together an assassination plot. In Toronto Detective Hamish Sloack is assigned to help find the missing Murdoch.
  • Murdoch and Inspector Brackenreid are aboard the SS Keewatin after the owner, Clarence MacFarlane, receives what he believes is a threat. The Keewatin is about to depart from Toronto on its maiden voyage destined for Rochester, N.Y. and Murdoch thinks they should stay on board, especially after he sees that Julia is one of the invited guests. Their presence proves useful after MacFarlane's daughter Amy, who is engaged to her father's chief financial officer Owen Mathers, falls overboard and is nowhere to be found. As Murdoch investigates he finds there is a real threat against the Keewatin and the true facts behind Amy's disappearance.
  • 在第十任博士的故事里,他始终强烈的孤独。仿佛诅咒,他的同伴——所有的人总有一天离开他;自己并一个人地走向死亡。在他的生命最终结束的时候,坐着塔迪斯和过去的同伴一一告别。第十任是一个轻松健谈,随和机智的人,对敌人总会给予第二次机会却又绝不过分仁慈。曾经和女伴罗斯有过一场恋爱,最后以两人分隔在不同的宇宙告终,之后也和其它的同伴一起环游宇宙,拯救世界。第十任一般穿深褐色(蓝色条纹)或蓝色(铁锈红条纹)四个扣子的西装,衬衫和领带,浅棕色的人造麂皮大衣。
  • As Rose Tyler embarks upon her first big TARDIS adventure with the newly-regenerated Doctor, they discover a sinister hospital run by strange cat people and run in to two old acquaintances, The Face of Boe and Cassandra.
  • 恐怖 
  • 恐怖 
    一部涉及缓刑官凯茜·麦登(Cathy Madden)的惊悚片,她的任务是让臭名昭著的杀手 血腥 玛丽-莱德洛(Mary Laidlaw)在入狱20年后重新回到社会。凯西一直相信每个客户都应该有机会得到救赎,但当两个孩子在玛丽的农场附近失踪时,她的信念受到了严峻的考验。
  • 科幻 
    The Ood have given a warning to The Doctor. The Master is returning yet that is not the biggest threat. A darkness is coming which brings with it The End of Time.